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Levels 12 & 13 321 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, VIC
FDC VIC’s recent fit out for Sustainability Victoria is a result of benchmark sustainable building standards and is naturally green, clean and everything in between.
Situated across two storeys on Exhibition Street in Melbourne’s CBD, the new space is the culmination of green building principles and innovation.
A large portion of materials from the original space were extracted, recovered and implemented in the new site.
It’s important to practice what you preach and Sustainability Victoria’s new 5-Star Nabers rated workplace is a fitting home for a group championing the future of sustainable living.
Congratulations to FDC VIC and thank you to our esteemed project partners:
Client: Sustainability Victoria
Architect: Tall Architects
Services Consultant: Building Services Engineers Pty Ltd
Structural Engineer: Northrop Consulting Engineers
Client PM: Tango Projects
Certifier: Steve Watson & Partners
Photography by Yvonne Qumi
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